Guardianship and adoption

Everything you need to know about guardianship and adoption in Vilnius City Municipality

What is the difference between guardianship and adoption?

Permanent guardianship (custody)

Permanent guardianship (custody) means the guardianship (custody) of a child who deprived of parental care and cannot return to his home due to the respective circumstances, helping him to grow into a full-fledged person in the guardian’s (custodian’s) family. Permanent guardianship means the child care, upbringing, representation and protection of the child’s rights and legitimate interests until he reaches adulthood.

More about permanent guardianship
Child’s guardianship (custody) in a household

The household is a form of guardianship (custody) where four or more children are placed under guardianship (custody) in a family environment. The household ensures implementation and protection of the children’s rights and interests. The household is registered as a legal person.

More about child’s guardianship in a household
Temporary stay

Temporary stay are regular short-term scheduled meetings with a specific child on weekends, during holidays or during the child’s vacation. This is one of alternatives to child guardianship. Such friendship teaches a young person to trust others and himself, heals the wounds of broken ties with his parents and relatives.

More about temporary stay
Temporary guardianship (custody)

Temporary guardianship (custody) is guardianship (custody) of a child deprived of parental guardianship (custody) and in a particularly difficult situation, providing him with security and providing him with care and warmth lasting up to 12 months.

More about temporary guardianship

In case of adoption, all child’s links with the biological parents are terminated. Adoptive parents become the child’s legal parents. The adopted child may be given the surname of the adoptive parents and sometimes even his name may be changed. Adoption cannot be cancelled or terminated; this is the main difference between adoption and guardianship.

More about adoption
On-call caregiver

The on-call caregiver is a person with special training who is prepared to immediately accept in a child taken from an unsafe environment. The aim is to take the child to a family environment in which he received proper care.

More about on-call caregivers

Free services for current and future families of guardians and foster parents in Vilnius city

Consultation of persons considering guardianship or adoption

During the consultations, information about the process of preparation for guardianship and adoption, about the skills necessary for guardians and adoptive parents is provided, questions raised by future adoptive parents or guardians are answered, and support is provided.

Psychologist consultation

The purpose of the service provided by the psychologist of the guardianship centre is to create a safe space in which the aim is to understand and solve personal and interpersonal issues related to emotional well-being and behaviour: emotional, behavioural and communication problems, learning difficulties, crisis situations, etc.

Group coordinator consultations

This is a service provided by a guardianship coordinator performing the functions of a social worker. The purpose is to analyse the problematic situation of the person or his family together with the person and look for effective ways to solve it.

Mediation and information

This is the provision of necessary information about the possibilities for assistance, assistance in mediating between a person (family) and various institutions, specialists, and other persons.

Mutual assistance groups

In the groups, family communication, sharing of experiences, and mutual assistance are encouraged. This is one of the most effective forms of family support because a person with a similar experience can best understand and help to find a way out.

GIMK programme training

The purpose of training for future guardians and foster parents is to develop the necessary skills to ensure a safe environment and meet children’s physical needs, compensate for developmental difficulties, ensure contact with their biological family, help the child establish safe and sustainable relationships, etc.

Assessment and preparation of a recommendation of persons wishing to accept a child for a temporary stay

A recommendation is prepared after the assessment of a person’s eligibility to accept a child for a temporary stay. The assessment is carried out not later than 30 calendar days from the date of submission of the application for the release of the child for temporary stay to the Child Rights Protection Department according to the place of residence.

These and other services provided in specific cases may be received by all families of guardians and foster parents in Vilnius city as well as persons considering guardianship and adoption. You may contact Guardianship Centres or Vilnius City Municipality for the services.

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